Freedom Center City


Philadelphia Film Center
1412 Chestnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19101

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Service Times

Sunday 9:00 AM

Sunday 10:30 AM

Sunday 12:00 PM


(267) 457-5310

Freedom Merchantville


113 N Centre St

Merchantville, NJ 08109

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Service Times

Sunday 9:00 AM

Sunday 11:00 AM


(267) 457-5310


Every movement is fueled by a set of convictions. Here are ours.


Jesus is and always will be the center of everything we do. In the person of Jesus Christ, God took the astonishingly humble step of becoming a human being. Jesus showed us what God is really like, and then died in our place to deal with the worst of human sin. His triumph over death through his resurrection demonstrated his ability to bring new hope and new life to any person, anywhere, at any time. We are committed to living our entire lives for the honor and fame of our loving king, Jesus Christ.


God’s purposes go way beyond our lives. Our families and friends, our neighbors and coworkers, those who grew up where we did and those from halfway around the world, all matter to God. As long as there are people missing from God’s family, we will live with a sense of urgency. We consider it a duty and a privilege to do whatever it takes to bring the good news of Jesus Christ to the people of Philadelphia, South Jersey, and the nations of the world.


We grow more quickly with the help of others. We’re not meant to figure everything out on our own. Other people help us see our blindspots. They inspire us to keep going when life gets hard. They ask questions that help us think more deeply about God and the world around us. They pray for us in a way that brings healing and transformation. God shapes our lives through people. Therefore, we are intentional to build the kind of relationships that help us grow as followers of Jesus Christ.


The church needs great leaders. All around us are people who need help getting to God and growing in God. But there is often a shortage of people who will follow Jesus’ example of leading for the good of others. We want to change that. We know that great leaders take responsibility. They start conversations. They build relationships. They ask hard questions. They energize those around them. We are committed to being and developing leaders who will build up Christ’s church and bless our city.


We were made for family. Living in family can be one of the most challenging aspects of the human experience. And it can also be one of the most rewarding. We’ve decided to make the investment to build marriages that are joyful and enduring. We’re committed to being moms and dads who raise children who love God. And we’re convinced that these two things happen most effectively when we commit ourselves to one another as brothers and sisters in God’s family, the church.


We serve a God of truth and power. He has given us his Word and his Spirit. God wants us to think and to feel. Therefore we don’t have to choose between asking hard questions or walking in the power of God’s Spirit; between using the minds God has given us or experiencing miracles of healing and deliverance; between growing in the wisdom of the Scriptures or trusting the Holy Spirit to speak to us and through us. All of this is from God, and we want all of this in our church.


We believe that a diverse city in a divided nation needs a reconciled church. Jesus’ death on the cross made it possible not only for human beings to get close to God, but for diverse ethnicities to get close to one another. We are convinced that in a racially diverse city, a multiethnic church is a stronger church, a richer church, and a more compelling church. We have committed ourselves to walking with one another, to fighting for our relationships with one another, to choosing love over indifference and unity over comfort. We believe a changed church can lead to a changed city.


We love students. A young person’s years in middle school, high school, and college are some of the most significant in his or her entire life. And we believe the church should be present for them. Therefore we deliberately engage the university communities in our city with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We financially support men and women who have dedicated themselves to reaching and mentoring students. And we seek to create environments in our services that will resonate with students and make it easier for them respond to God. The older generation often has to make sacrifices for the younger generation. We’re convinced it’s worth it.



We believe the Bible to be the only inspired, infallible, authoritative Word of God.


We believe there is one eternal, almighty and perfect God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.


We believe in the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, in His sinless life, in His miracles, in His vicarious and atoning death through His shed blood, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father, and in His personal return in power and glory.


We believe that for the salvation of lost and sinful man regeneration by the Holy Spirit is absolutely essential.


We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit by whose indwelling the Christian is enabled to live a godly life.


We believe in the laying on of hands for the empowering of the Holy Spirit and the exercise of spiritual gifts.


We believe in the resurrection of both the saved and the lost; they that are saved unto the resurrection of life and they that are lost unto the resurrection of damnation.


We believe in the spiritual unity of believers in our Lord Jesus Christ.


Freedom Church is part of the Every Nation family of churches and ministries, a worldwide movement that exists to honor God by planting Christ-centered, Spirit-empowered, socially-responsible churches and campus ministries in every nation.

Every Nation missionaries and partners are currently serving in 81 nations. For more information, visit Every Nation online at

Explore our website or visit our Sunday morning service to learn more about how we put these values into practice!