Every movement is fueled by a set of convictions. Here are ours.

Our Values


Jesus is and always will be the center of everything we do. In the person of Jesus Christ, God took the astonishingly humble step of becoming a human being. Jesus showed us what God is really like, and then died in our place to deal with the worst of human sin. His triumph over death through his resurrection demonstrated his ability to bring new hope and new life to any person, anywhere, at any time. We are committed to living our entire lives for the honor and fame of our loving king, Jesus Christ.




There is one eternal, almighty, and perfect God. He is the creator and sustainer of all things. He is holy, loving, and righteous. He eternally exists in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Our Affiliation

Freedom Church is part of the Every Nation family of churches and ministries, a worldwide movement that exists to honor God by planting Christ-centered, Spirit-empowered, socially-responsible churches and campus ministries in every nation. Every Nation missionaries and partners are currently serving in 81 nations. For more information, click the button below.