Welcome to Freedom Church Center City!

Philadelphia Non-Denominational Church.
Join us this Sunday! We are meeting in-person at 9AM, 10:30AM or 12PM.

Parking and Directions

There are plenty of easy ways to navigate your route to Freedom Center City! View some helpful tips to the right.

  • Free Parking

    You can access free parking in the Parkway Garage located at 44 S. 16th St about two blocks from the Philadelphia Film Center. This garage is beneath the Westin Hotel and Shops at Liberty Place.

  • Navigating to the Garage

    You can enter the garage to your left as you drive north on 16th St away from Chestnut St, or to your left as you drive south on 17th St away from Market St.

  • Parking Voucher

    Obtain a parking validation ticket as usual when you enter the garage. Before or after the service, just ask one of our volunteers for a parking voucher. When you leave the garage, first scan your regular parking validation ticket followed by the parking voucher you obtained from the usher.

  • How Do I Get there via SEPTA/PATCO?

    It’s easy to use public transit to get to the Philadelphia Film Center via SEPTA or PATCO. The Philadelphia Film Center is located near the 15th St. Station on the Market/Frankford Line, City Hall Station on the Broad St. Line, as well as many bus lines. We are also convenient to the 15/16th and Locust PATCO station.